49ers Seasons Tickets/

Stadium Builders License

Section 118

Row 24

Seats 4 & 5

Due to an extended engagement overseas, I am parting with my 49ers SBL just as the story is heating up for the franchise.     

‍       If you purchase tickets through the 49ers organization, licenses can be financed and are normally $12,000 for two seats plus another $2000 or more in interest. I am selling both licenses for $10,000 each. You will use the official ticket exchange and will also be able to finance but it will cost you approximately $8000 less. The SBL marketplace site is here where you can see seats in section 118 and tickets in other sections. This photo shows my loss.

‍       Tickets are separate. You pay for 10 regular season games each and are $200 per ticket so the total for the season is normally $4000 but 2 preseason games have happened so $3200. I am willing to negotiate on these and  you of course have the ability to sell those. Once you buy the license you have the ability to buy tickets in this location for all future seasons.

‍     My SBL and my seasons tickets are for sale at perhaps the worst possible moment for me and the best for you. If you are interested please contact me for more information.